Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Computer Hardware Theory


Subject: Computer Hardware
Time: 2 Hrs
Max. Marks: 50

I. Fill in the blanks :-

1. A printed circuit board that contains most of the processing components required by the computer is called…………………….
2. The main function of SMPS is to convert ………..into …………..
3. A processor socket which has holes on it is known as …………………
4. Orange wire of the power supply contains  ……………volts
5. MBR stand for………………….
6. PGA stands for………………..
7. A 4 pin connector that provides power to the hard drive/CD drive is known as ……………
8. ………..is an example of non impact printer.
9. A processor socket which has holes on it is known as …………………
10. ………..is used to cool excess heat off the processor.
 (1 x 10 =10)
II. Fill in the blanks :-
1. Motherboard power connector has 12 pins.
2. IDE connector provide connectivity to hard drive or CD/DVD drive
3. BIOS is used to display images on screen.
4. Jumpers provide configuration setting of the hardware
5. CMOS battery is used to provide power to the memory chip.
6. IDE’s are faster than SATA.
7. FSB is used to transfer data between processor, memory and the north bridge chip
8. SMPS can be checked by shorting green and black wires.
9. In BGA type packaging, processors are permanently attached to the motherboard
10. SRAM’s are mostly used in cache memory.

III. Write short notes on ( Attempt any six):-
1. FSB and BSB
2. ROM and its types
3. Tracks, sectors and cylinders.
4. SRAM and DRAM
5. Northbridge and south bridge chip
6. BIOS and CMOS.
7. SMPS and its colour codes
 (3 x 6=18)
IV. Answer any three of the following:-
1. Explain the working of a CPU.
2. Draw a labeled diagram of a computer motherboard.
3. Writer down the steps of laser printing
4. What is a virus? What are the symptoms and prevention of computer virus?
 (3 x 4 = 12)

Sunday, 22 January 2017

IT Fundamentals


Subject: Fundamentals
Time: 2 Hrs
Max. Marks: 50

I. Fill in the blanks :-
1. Transistors were used in .....................generations computers.
2. 1 MB = .............Kilobytes.
3. Full form of ALU is...............
4. ..................... is example of a system software.
5. Mouse that uses a laser beam is known as a..................
6. Keys from F1 to F12 are known as .....................keys
7. LCD stands for.........................
8. Maximum storage capacity of a floppy disk is..................
9. The amount of data a sector hold is ……………………..
10. Concentric circles on a platter of hard disk are known as.........................
(1 x 10 =10)
II. Fill in the blanks :-

1. Vacuum tubes were used in second generation computers.
2. Analog computers operate on physical quantities.
3. RAM is a volatile memory.
4. Laser printer is an impact printer.
5. LSI & VLSI were used in fourth generation computers.
6. Scanner is an output device.
7. MS office and tally are examples of operating system.
8. The physical and tangible components of a computer are known as hardware.
9. Control unit performs operations like addition, subtraction, comparision etc.
10. Hybrid computer used a mixture of analog and digital computers.
III. Answer any six of the following :-
1. What is the difference between analog and digital computers?
2. What are the types of computer based on size or capacity?
3. Write a short note on software and its types.
4. State the difference between computer hardware and software.
5. What is a printer? Explain with examples.
6. What are input and output devices? Give examples of commonly used input / output devices.
7. What are tracks, sectors and cylinders?
(3 x 6=18)
IV. Answer any three of the following:-
1. What are the characteristics of a computer?
2.  Explain the generations of computers.
3. With the help of a diagram explain the functional components of a computer.
4. Write a note on computer memory and its characteristics.
5. What is a hard disk? Explain with a diagram.
(3 x 4 = 12)

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

MS-DOS Theory


Subject: DOS
Time: 2 Hrs
Max. Marks: 50

I. Fill in the blanks :-

1. DOS is single user ________________operating system.
2. ________command is used to display directories and files in alphabetical order.
3. ________command is used to display the content of an existing file.
4. DIR /AR command is used to display_____________.
5. .Doc is the extension of__________________.
6. ____________command is used to display all strings expect the specified strings in a file.
7. Batch file should have a extension of ______________.
8. ____________command is used to scan the surface of the hard disk.
9. A graphical representation of directories can be seen by using ________command.
10. Hidden files can be seen by using _______________________command.

II. True or False :-

1. MD command is used to create a file.
2. VER command display the current version of operating system.
3. DIR/AD is used to arrange directories in Reverse order.
4. TYPE command is used to display the contents of an existing file.
5. FC command is used to compare two files.
6. Attrib +s is used to hide a file.
7. Alt+ F7 is used to clear command history.
8. Another command used in place of MD to make a directory is CHDIR.
9. Directories can be deleted if there are files present in the directories.
11. DIR/P command is used to display the list of files and directories width wise
III. Answer any six of the following :-
(3 x 6=18)
1. What are internal commands?
2. What are wild cards? Explain with examples.
3. What is color command? Give four examples.
4. What is a batch file?
5. Create a file named ‘game’ and rename it as ‘sport’
6. Create a file “Address”, type in your address and set and clear read only & hidden attributes.
7. Write the prompt command to get (<=$=>), < *your name*>, current time, >)&(<, <¦=¦>, (=IT=)

IV. Answer  the following:-
(3 x 4 = 12)
10. What is “FIND” command used for. Explain in detail using all its parameters.       
11. What is booting in DOS? Explain.    
12. Create and delete the following directory structure.




New Delhi

