Tuesday, 28 February 2017

C Programming Theory


Subject: C Programming
Time: 2 Hrs
Max. Marks: 50

I. Fill in the blanks :-
1. Reserve words in C are called ………….
2. . ………are the types of datas stored in a variable.
3. Scanf ( ) is a ….. ….. Function.
4. Symbols that are used to perform some operations are called ……….
5. …….statements are used to execute set of instructions repeatedly.
6. While is an example of …….controlled loop.
7. ……. Is a collection of same type of data elements?
8. ………is an example of multidimensional arrays
9. Character arrays in C are called …………….
10. .…….are the self contained block of statements that performs a task. 
(10 x1/2=5)
II. Fill in the blanks

1. Identifiers must not begin with a digit.
2. Array is an example of basic datatype.
3. printf( ) is a formatted output function.
4. switch statements are used to make a decision ,from a set of choices.
5. do..while is an entry controlled loop.
6. In an  array  the elements are stored in continues  memory    locations.
7. Matrix is a one dimensional array.
8. A string is terminated  by a null value.
9. A function call not invokes the execution of function.
10. Structure is a collection of same data items.        
(10 x 1/2=5)

III. Short Questions
1. Explain arithmetic operators in C?
2. Write the syntax of if ..else statements ?
3. Define arrays in C?
4. What are the string input functions in C?
5. What is the use of strcat()?
6. Name the different types of library functions in C?
7. What is mean by structure write the syntax also?
8. Difference between structure and union?
9. What are the major operations performed on a file?
10. What is mean   by random file accessing, name the functions used in it?

IV. Answer any four of the following :-
1. What are the naming rules of identifiers?
2. What is a flow chart and explain the symbols used in it?
3. Write a program to find the given number is odd or even?
4. Write a program to compare two strings?
5. Write a program to find the sum and average of 4 numbers using function?

Sunday, 19 February 2017

MS Windows


Subject: Windows
Time: 2 Hrs
Max. Marks: 50

I. True or False :-
 (1 x 10 =10)
1. Major Hardware and Software settings can be done through the control panel.
2. Each icon in the control panel represents a little program called applet.
3. Windows 7 is a CUI operating system.
4. Icon is a small graphical representation of a program or file.
5. Windows components in a system are displayed in a special program group called accessories.
6. Code name of windows 7 is Vienna,
7. Windows 7 was released in the year 2007
8. The opening screen of computer is called start menu.      
9. Windows 7 is an example of ……………. software.
10. Keyboard shortcut to close an application window is Control + C.        

II. Fill in the blanks :-

1. .................. icon represents an application or executable program.
2. Full form of GUI is..............................
3. Opening screen of windows after getting the complete booting process is called..................
4. ..................... holds the deleted files and folders until they are permanently deleted from it
5. ..................... displays the hierarchical structural of files, folders and drives on your computer.
6. ..................... is used to defrag  files in a system.
7. System time is displayed on the right side of the........................
8. WordPad, paint and calculator are windows component found in..................
9. ..................... is an example of GUI operating system.
10. Keyboard shortcut to delete a file or folders permanently is........................
III. Answer any six of the following :-
(3 x 6=18)
1. Write a short note on Operating System and its types
2. What are the activities of mouse?
3. What are default icons?
4. Explain start menu.
5. Write a short note on Recycle Bin?
6. What are the minimum requirement to run Windows 7
7. What is difference between shut down and hibernate?

IV. Answer any three of the following:-
(3 x 4 = 12)
1. What is control panel? Explain in brief.
2. Explain application window and its parts with the help of a diagram.
3. What are the general features of windows?
4. Explain system tools.
5. Write a short note on icons and its types.

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Computer Networking


Subject: Computer Networking
Time: 2 Hrs
Max. Marks: 50

I. Fill in the blanks :-
1. Full form of NIC is…………………
2. A set of rules used in networking is known as a ……………………
3. ……………connects multiple devices to a computer.
4. ISP means……………….
5. ………………….consists of a computer network at a single site.
6. ………………..is the actual path through which the data flows in a network.
7. A cross over cable consists of T 568A on one end and …………………on the other end.
8. ………….divides the IP address into host part and network part
9. Every device connected in a network is known as a ………………..
10. In a ………………..topology every device is connected to each other.
(1 x 10 =10)

II. Fill in the blanks :-
1. Data flow in Simplex form of communication is both ways.
2. A printer cannot be connected in a network.
3. RJ 45 is an 8 pin connector used to connect cat 5 cables.
4. Hardware address is known as TCP.
5. Crossover cables are used to connect two computers directly.
6. IP address consists of a 32 bit number.
7. Protocols are transmission media through which data flows.
8. Static IP address keeps changing frequently.
9. Modem is used to connect to the internet.
10. Star topology is a combination of two different type of topology.

III. Answer any six of the following :-
1. What is a computer network?
2. What is a router?
3. Write a short note on DNS.
4. What is TIA/EIA 568 standard?
5. What is IP address?
6. Write a short note on MAC address.
7. Write the colour code used in T568 A.
 (3 x 6=18)
IV. Answer any three of the following:-
1. Explain mesh topology with a help of a diagram.
2. Explain the steps to connect two computers in a network.
3. Explain the steps to assign IP address in Windows 7.
4. What is a transmission media? What are the various type of media used in networking.
 (3 x 4 = 12)