Friday, 10 March 2017

C++ Programming


Subject: C ++
Time: 2 Hrs
Max. Marks: 50
I. Fill in the blanks :-
1. ………….is the basic unit of object oriented programming
2. The maximum length of an identifier can up to ................ character.
3. a set or group of date items.
4. Pointer variable start with ………….. symbol
5. .................are the smallest individual units in a program
6. ......................arrays have only one subscript
7. Every C++ Program must end with …………………..
8. ………….is a variable whose value is the address of another variable.
9. All keyword must be written in ……………………..
10. The end of a string is marked with a character.....................
II. State Whether the Following Statement Are True
1. Every C++ program must start with the function #include
2. The line void main() is the main function where program execution begins.
3. The getch() is a  character input function.
4. Global variables are defined outside of all the functions
5. Pointer are variables used to store the location of another variable.
6. A variable name contains digits, numbers and underscore.
7. Void is a keyword.
8. A function is a group of statements that together perform a task.
9. Keywords are the reserve words in C++ program and have special meaning.
10. Logical operators can be used to make comparisons.
III. Short Questions        
1. What is the use of SWITCH Command?
2. What are the difference between Library Function and User Defined Functions?
3. Write a program to print the month name using month number?
4. Difference between ++ and --?
5. Write a function to print any message?
6. Find out the sum of first ten natural numbers using Loop.
7. Write a program to demonstrate while loop.
8. Difference between variable and constant.
9. To explain the use of pointer with an example?
10. Explain the syntax of if statement?
IV. Answer Any Four From The Following  
1. Write a program to illustrate the use of if and if Else?
2. Explain about functions in c++.
3. Write a program to store and display the marks details of a student using structure?
4. Explain pointers in C++?
5. Explain Break & Continue.