Sunday, 26 March 2017

Oracle SQL Theory


Subject: SQL
Time: 2 Hrs
Max. Marks: 50
I.                   Fill In The Blanks
1. ………… the collection of related data entries
2. ………….is the collection of related relations
3. Collection of related records………….
4. The columns of a relation are called…………..
5. The rows are called…………..
6. SQL stands for……………………
7. ……… used to modify the existing record in a table.
8. ……… the highest level of abstraction
9. …………...returns the no: of occurrences of a value in colomn.
10. Number of attributes in a relation is called…………..
II.                True Or False            
1. Create is a type of DML command
2. A where clause is used to give condition in a query.
3. RDBMS is a database management system that is based on relational model.
4. commit  is used to display table
5. Primary key is used to uniquely identify a records in a database
6. Truncate is used to delete tables in a database
7. How the data actually stored in described  in logical level
8. Attributes are property used to describe an entity
9. Data Base Administrator is a type of user
10. Candidate key consist of more than one attribute  to uniquely identify rows
III.             Short Questions
1. What is mean by data integrity?
2. Give the syntax for create a table?
3. What is mean by abstraction?
4. What is meant by constrain in database?
5. Explain data independency?
6. Give the syntax for inserting values to a table?
7. Write about aggregate functions in database?
8. Write about select, update, having commands in SQL  ?
9. Explain DML commands?
10. What is logical data independence?
IV.              Answer Any Four from the Following
1. Different types of database languages.
2. Explain types of keys in database?
3. Explain different types of join operations?
4. Use of foreign key.
5. Write the views of a database management system