Friday, 31 March 2017




Subject: MS-OFFICE

Time: 2 Hrs

Max. Marks: 50

PART – A  Fill in the blanks       

1.                  ……… applies a built-in combination of formats to selected cell or range of cells or sheets.

2.                  …………..adds or changes the special effect that introduces a slide during a slide show

3.                  …………… is the extension of Power Point files

4.                  In Word………….. Searches for the specified text or formatting.

5.                  …………….option in documents window splits the active window into panes.

6.                  ………..option runs your slide to show.

7.                  In MS- Word…………… helps to quickly creates letters.

8.                  …………… changes the capitalization of a selected text.

9.                  ……………… copies the contents of the range of cells selected on the active worksheet to the same range of cells on all the selected sheets in group.

10.             In Excel…………..restricts the data entry to a particular type.

PART-B.  State whether True or False

1.                  We can set a border to a document with Paragraph option.

2.                  A work sheet contains 65565 rows

3.                  Font option on Format Menu change the character spacing formats of the select text.

4.                  Slide sorter option is used to rearranging slides.

5.                  The intersection of 4row and columns is called a cell.

PART-C  Answer any ten questions from the following

1.                  Explain the S[read Sheet concept?

2.                  What is a function?

3.                  What is the use of Header and Footer?

4.                  What is the function of Consolidation menu option in Excel?

5.                  What are the data types allowed in Excel?

6.                  What is the order in which multiple operators are evaluated?

7.                  Explain Mail merge?

8.                  How to close a work book?

9.                  What are the two ways to format?

10.             What is the default currency symbol? How to change the currency format?

11.             Explain Bullets and Numbering?

12.             Explain Cut, Copy and Paste?

13.             Explain about Work Sheet?

14.             Explain Customize Tool Bar?

15.             Explain Envelops and labels?